The rent increase for a private sector home is a maximum of 5.5%

This is the inflation (4.5%) + 1%.
Lieven de Key opts for a maximum rent increase of 4.4%.

Will you or someone in your household be 67 or older on July 1, 2024?

And is this known to us? Then you have received a rent increase of up to 3.75%. This is equal to the AOW increase in 2024. Is this not known to us, but do you or someone in your household have the AOW age? Then apply for this rent increase via We need proof of your date of birth on an official document. Does it concern someone in your household? Then we also need an extract from the basic registration (BRP).

Where will the rent increase go?

We need the rental income to maintain, improve and build new homes. In the incoming years, we will deploy extra people and resources to make our homes more sustainable. Lieven de Key’s ambition is to improve all homes with energy labels E, F or G by 2028 at the latest. By making them more energy efficient, we contribute to keeping housing costs affordable. This is becoming increasingly difficult because the cost of maintenance increases every year. By raising the rent, we can continue to maintain all homes well and make them more sustainable.