Privacy vision

We handle the information confidential. While processing information we adhere to the requirements of the Data Protection Act (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming and Uitvoeringswet and Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming).

We do not use your information for purposes other than for which they were intended. We do not do profiling. We explain how we collect and use information from our tenants and to what purpose in our privacy statement.

Read our privacy policy.

Camera statement

Lieven de Key uses camera surveillance in both its own offices and some homes to protect tenants, employees, visitors and their property. When using camera surveillance, a careful consideration is made between the need for security and the privacy of the people being filmed.

In this statement you can read the basic principles and rules for the use of cameras by Lieven de Key.

Camera statement Lieven de Key